Microsoft adCenter
seo tips and tricks 2016
Microsoft publicly launched adCenter on May 4th of 2006. Their system, like the other major PPC providers, factors in both cost per click and click-through rate into their ad positions.
Microsoft publicly launched adCenter on May 4th of 2006. Their system, like the other major PPC providers, factors in both cost per click and click-through rate into their ad positions.
Microsoft adCenter operates much like Google AdWords but contains several additional features:
• Search bidding based on demographics details
• Limited search distribution of about 5% of the U.S. market (which means their campaigns will be relatively small)
• Limited search ad syndication (traffic quality will be relatively high)
• Few advertisers in the system (which should make some markets artificially cheap)
Given Microsoft’s newness to the field and small search market share, some of their traffic is underpriced. Microsoft is still in the early stages of development on adCenter.
Microsoft allows 35 characters in your ad title and 70 characters in your ad text.
Like Google, Microsoft offers dynamic keyword insertion, but Microsoft also allows you to use one dynamic insertion to drive other ad copy offers.
Keyword Dynamic text parameters
sedans 5% off
SUVs 7% off
When you are ready to build your ad, you can enter “All {keyword} {param2}” as the ad title. When a user queries sedans, the ad that appears will be “All sedans 5% off.” You can also use {param1} to drive ad URLs.
Microsoft also announced the purchase of the analytics company, DeepMetrix. They are beta testing a analytics product called Gatineau. Microsoft also offers a free built in coversion tracker.
While MSN Search has roughly 5% of the U.S. search market, you can expect that number to increase in the coming year largely for the following reasons:
• IE7 was packaged as a forced Windows software upgrade.. In the next version of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser, search will be integrated into the browser.
• They may also integrate web search into the operating system.
seo tips and tricks 2016
While Google also syndicates to AOL and Ask, both now allow you to buy search ads directly from them, and Ask syndicates some of Microsoft’s ads as well. If you find one of the syndication partners exceptionally valuable it may make sense to buy those ads direct. also sells contextual ads across via its ClickRiver Ads product.
You may also want to try some of the other smaller ppc ad networks, but design and refine your strategy based on the larger networks first.
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