Friday, February 5, 2016

Index Website

Index Website

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The index is where the spider-collected data are stored. When you perform a search on a major search engine, you are not searching the web, but the cache of the web provided by that search engine’s index.

Search engines organize their content in what is called a reverse index. A reverse index sorts web documents by words. When you search Google and it displays 1-10 out of 143,000 websites, it means that there are approximately 143,000 web pages that either have the words from your search on them or have inbound links containing them. Also, note that search engines do not store punctuation, just words.

The following is an example of a reverse index and how a typical search engine might classify content. While this is an oversimplified version of the real thing, it does illustrate the point. Imagine each of the following sentences is the content of a unique page:

The dog ate the cat.

The cat ate the mouse.

Since search engines view pages from their source code in a linear format, it is best to move JavaScript and other extraneous code to external files to help move the page copy higher in the source code.

Some people also use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) or a blank table cell to place the page content ahead of the navigation. As far as how search engines evaluate what words are first, they look at how the words appear in the source code. I have not done significant testing to determine if it is worth the effort to make your unique

page code appear ahead of the navigation, but if it does not take much additional effort, it is probably worth doing. Link analysis (discussed in depth later) is far more important than page copy to most search algorithms, but every little bit can help.

Google has also hired some people from Mozilla and is likely working on helping their spider understand how browsers render pages. Microsoft published visually segmenting research that may help them understand what page content is most important.

As well as storing the position of a word, search engines can also store how the data are marked up. For example, is the term in the page title? Is it a heading? What type of heading? Is it bold? Is it emphasized? Is it in part of a list? Is it in link text?

Words that are in a heading or are set apart from normal text in other ways may be given additional weighting in many search algorithms. However, keep in mind that it may be an unnatural pattern for your keyword phrases to appear many times in bold and headings without occurring in any of the regular textual body copy. Also, if a page looks like it is aligned too perfectly with a topic (i.e., overly-focused so as to have an abnormally high keyword density), then that page may get a lower relevancy score than a page with a lower keyword density and more natural page copy.

By storing where the terms occur, search engines can understand how close one term is to another. Generally, the closer the terms are together, the more likely the page with matching terms will satisfy your query.

If you only use an important group of words on the page once, try to make sure they are close together or right next to each other. If words also occur naturally, sprinkled throughout the copy many times, you do not need to try to rewrite the content to always have the words next to one another. Natural sounding content is best.

Words that are common do not help search engines understand documents. Exceptionally common terms, such as the, are called stop words. While search engines index stop words, they are not typically used or weighted heavily to determine relevancy in search algorithms. If I search for the Cat in the Hat, search engines may insert wildcards for the words the and in, so my search will look like

* cat * * hat.

Each page is standardized to a size. This prevents longer pages from having an unfair advantage by using a term many more times throughout long page copy. This also prevents short pages for scoring arbitrarily high by having a high

percentage of their page copy composed of a few keyword phrases. Thus, there is no magical page copy length that is best for all search engines.

The uniqueness of page content is far more important than the length. Page copy has three purposes above all others:

       To be unique enough to get indexed and ranked in the search result

       To create content that people find interesting enough to want to link to

       To convert site visitors into subscribers, buyers, or people who click on ads

Not every page is going to make sales or be compelling enough to link to, but if, in aggregate, many of your pages are of high-quality over time, it will help boost the rankings of nearly every page on your site.

Term Frequency (TF) is a weighted measure of how often a term appears in a document. Terms that occur frequently within a document are thought to be some of the more important terms of that document.

If a word appears in every (or almost every) document, then it tells you little about how to discern value between documents. Words that appear frequently will have little to no discrimination value, which is why many search engines ignore common stop words (like the, and, and or).

Rare terms, which only appear in a few or limited number of documents, have a much higher signal-to-noise ratio. They are much more likely to tell you what a document is about.

Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) can be used to further discriminate the value of term frequency to account for how common terms are across a corpus of documents. Terms that are in a limited number of documents will likely tell you more about those documents than terms that are scattered throughout many documents.

When people measure keyword density, they are generally missing some other important factors in information retrieval such as IDF, index normalization, word proximity, and how search engines account for the various element types. (Is the term bolded, in a header, or in a link?)

Search engines may also use technologies like latent semantic indexing to mathematically model the concepts of related pages. Google is scanning millions of books from university libraries. As much as that process is about helping people find information, it is also used to help Google understand linguistic patterns.

If you artificially write a page stuffed with one keyword or keyword phrase without adding many of the phrases that occur in similar natural documents you may not show up for many of the related searches, and some algorithms may see your document as being less relevant. The key is to write naturally, using various related terms, and to structure the page well.

Search engines may use multiple reverse indexes for different content. Most current search algorithms tend to give more weight to page title and link text than page copy.

For common broad queries, search engines may be able to find enough quality matching documents using link text and page title without needing to spend the additional time searching through the larger index of page content. Anything that saves computer cycles without sacrificing much relevancy is something you can count on search engines doing.

After the most relevant documents are collected, they may be re-sorted based on interconnectivity or other factors.

Around 50% of search queries are unique, and with longer unique queries, there is greater need for search engines to also use page copy to find enough relevant matching documents (since there may be inadequate anchor text to display enough matching documents).


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