Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Deep Keyword Research

Deep Keyword Research

seo tips and tricks 2016

Using deep keyword research is hugely important.

There is something to be said for simplicity and ease of management, but using targeted permutations of your most important terms should drastically increase your ROI.

Google AdWords allows dynamic keyword insertion (mentioned above) that allows the search query to drive the ad copy. That increases your chances of having a higher click-through rate and lowers your cost-per-click if you bid on many variations of your most important Google AdWords keywords.

Below is a chart of some example term ideas (with the words slightly modified) and the associated conversion data from an actual AdWords account. Notice how the cost per conversion drops off when modifiers are added to the root term. By bidding on these additional keyword phrases, I am paying less for higher targeted leads.

Adding modifiers will split up the traffic volumes to make some terms seem more profitable than they are and make other similar permutations seem less profitable than they are. The math from the above campaign was compiled over a year with hundreds of thousands of ad impressions to help smooth out some of the discrepancies.

You have to consider the cost of building and managing the account when building out your keyword list, but I tend to like using various matching levels and modifiers on my most important keywords.

Tools.SeoBook.com offers

       a free keyword list generator that allows you to create a list of keyword permutations based on a list of core keywords and keyword modifiers

       a misspelling and typo generator tool

       a keyword list cleaner to filter out bad keywords

Google has started testing pay-per-call. For some businesses, pay-per-call will not have much of an effect, but high-end local businesses (legal, loans, real estate, etc.) will find their competitive landscape drastically different in the next year.

Google has also launched an offline Google AdWords ad manager software to help advertisers manage their campaigns.

seo tips and tricks 2016

Google offers ads that are distributed on a pay per action basis. Some of these ads are regular text links that can be integrated directly into the page copy of the publisher.

Google also allows you to set your regular bidding based on a maximum desired cost per action, but this tool likely increases your cost per conversion and most advertisers should be able to do a better job manually managing their bids.

Google Checkout

Google Checkout

seo tips and tricks 2016

Google is trying to become a leading payment processor to help make their ad market more efficient, gain more market research data, and create another revenue source.

AdWords advertisers who accept payment via Google Checkout have their AdWords ads highlighted, which may cause them to have a higher clickthrough rate, and thus offer more targeted traffic and a better ROI.

Google offers a wide array of reports to help you analyze how well your AdWords account is doing.

       Position Placement Report: Can be used to see where your AdSense ads are syndicated to.

       AdWords Search Query Report: Shows longtail keywords that triggered phrase match or broad match ads.

       Impression Share Report: Shows what percent of possible impressions your ads were displayed on.

       Reach and Frequency Performance Report: See how often your ads show up on a specific site if you use site targeted ads.

seo tips and tricks 2016

Bidding on some newsworthy or controversial ideas or keywords may make a particular piece of content or idea more linkworthy. After you get a half-dozen powerful links, your article may become the default industry-leading article enjoying a self-reinforcing market position.

I am a blogger who reads many emails about blogging, and Pew Internet has an AdWords ad that appears in my Gmail account for “Portrait of a Blogger.” If they can get a few dozen strong links to that story, or just get a couple that end up creating a viral story, then they might make thousands of dollars from that ad.

Some people even target AdSense ads to specific blogs or sites and mention the owner’s name in the ads. Talk about making your ad look relevant!

Microsoft adCenter

Microsoft adCenter

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seo tips and tricks 2016

Microsoft publicly launched adCenter on May 4th of 2006. Their system, like the other major PPC providers, factors in both cost per click and click-through rate into their ad positions.

Microsoft adCenter operates much like Google AdWords but contains several additional features:

       Search bidding based on demographics details

       Limited search distribution of about 5% of the U.S. market (which means their campaigns will be relatively small)
       Limited search ad syndication (traffic quality will be relatively high)

       Few advertisers in the system (which should make some markets artificially cheap)

Given Microsoft’s newness to the field and small search market share, some of their traffic is underpriced. Microsoft is still in the early stages of development on adCenter.

Microsoft allows 35 characters in your ad title and 70 characters in your ad text.

Like Google, Microsoft offers dynamic keyword insertion, but Microsoft also allows you to use one dynamic insertion to drive other ad copy offers.

Keyword                              Dynamic text parameters

sedans                                    5% off
SUVs                                       7% off

When you are ready to build your ad, you can enter “All {keyword} {param2}” as the ad title. When a user queries sedans, the ad that appears will be “All sedans 5% off.” You can also use {param1} to drive ad URLs.

Microsoft also announced the purchase of the analytics company, DeepMetrix. They are beta testing a analytics product called Gatineau. Microsoft also offers a free built in coversion tracker.

While MSN Search has roughly 5% of the U.S. search market, you can expect that number to increase in the coming year largely for the following reasons:

       IE7 was packaged as a forced Windows software upgrade.. In the next version of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser, search will be integrated into the browser.

       They may also integrate web search into the operating system.

seo tips and tricks 2016

While Google also syndicates to AOL and Ask, both now allow you to buy search ads directly from them, and Ask syndicates some of Microsoft’s ads as well. If you find one of the syndication partners exceptionally valuable it may make sense to buy those ads direct.

Amazon.com also sells contextual ads across Amazon.com via its ClickRiver Ads product.

You may also want to try some of the other smaller ppc ad networks, but design and refine your strategy based on the larger networks first.

Hiring a Search Engine Optimizer

Hiring a Search Engine


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seo tips and tricks 2016

The core of SEO is a simple concept: you want other people to talk about you and link to your websites. You want people talking about your site and brand. That is what good SEO is.

The only time I have ever bought SEO services, I paid too little and thus bought from a shady vendor. That is part of what caused me to learn SEO and write this e-book. I might not have all the answers, but I have read probably millions of forum posts and have seen many complaints and common questions. If you need help finding someone to do SEO, please let me know and I will recommend someone to you. Below are some resource links and important questions associated with buying SEO services as well as brief descriptions of some of the SEO business models.

That is what most businesses, webmasters, and charities want. Some people think they need a #1 ranking, but ranking #1 in and of itself may not mean a bunch.

Each day, probably half of all web searches are unique. If you do SEO well, then your site not only shows up for some of the generic terms related to your products, but it also shows up for lots of specific terms.

Hopefully when people search at Google, your information and site structure caused them to land on relevant information that helps you make sales.

When you buy SEO, it is best to pay for targeted traffic, instead of just trying to buy a number-one ranking. You should communicate clearly with your SEO so they understand what your specific goals are. You also should feel comfortable with them and trust them before you give them any money. If you do not feel comfortable, then you are likely better off to keep shopping around.

Pay for quality, targeted traffic; do not pay for rankings!

Some SEO techniques are more risky than others. Make sure you understand what risks are associated with your promotion techniques. A good SEO provider should clearly communicate what they are doing and any associated risks.

There are exceptionally cheap and effective automated techniques that eventually may cause your site to get penalized. If you are setting up throw-away domains, that may be fine, but if you are not using a throw-away domain, you will want to avoid those types of techniques.

seo tips and tricks 2016

Most SEOs are not able to gain top rankings or tons of traffic overnight. Make sure you know what to expect and when. If you need traffic in a hurry, then you will probably want to use pay-per-click search engines.

SEO Business Models

SEO Business Models

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seo tips and tricks 2016

Some SEOs may be interested in working using a profit share business model. This type of relationship requires a great amount of trust from both parties. Usually people who do not know you well will not want to work for a potential share of future profits.

I cannot even tell you how many people set up a generic, pharmacy-template-driven, affiliate website and want me to work for future profits for them. I tell them “no,” but someone asks me about every month.

Most SEOs are not going to want to work via profit share off the start unless you have a REAL tangible brand. If you have an original great idea, some may, but generally it is going to be hard for most webmasters to find a profit share SEO partner.

Some marketers specifically sell services for setting up and managing pay-per-click search engine accounts. Some people charge anywhere from $300 to $10,000 to set up the campaign, then 10% to 20% of ad spend for management. Some people charge for account setup and let you run things from there, and some people charge recurring fees.

Different business models will be better for you depending on how competitive your market is and how complex your campaign needs to be. If you have an exceptionally cheap campaign, then it will be hard to get people to do a quality job for 20% of a few hundred dollars.

Some SEOs sell both organic traffic and pay-per-click ads on a cost-per-click basis. This has recurring fees, but also may limit your down payment risk since you are only paying for traffic you get.

Some networks that do this have you pay to create content where they also place ads for others, and they may take years to deplete your initial deposit. Make sure you define how the ads will appear (i.e., I would recommend buying exclusivity), and get an approximate time range to deliver traffic. Also ask around to ensure their traffic is legitimate traffic and not automated traffic bots.

Some software allows people to automatically generate thousands of keyword-rich pages a day. Obviously, search engines do not like this technique. Some people are exceptionally good at cloaking, but you still may get caught if you use it.

If you find yourself paying only a few hundred dollars, you will want to set up different sites for those types of services and you will not want to connect those other sites to your main business site in any way. Multiple sites can get

penalized because one of them was doing something shady. The wrath of Google can be an unpleasant experience.

Some SEOs create a content network for you and charge you for the traffic. In a sense, this is leasing traffic in a way similar to using pay-per-click search engines. If they know what they are doing, they should be able to provide you targeted traffic cheaper than pay-per-click search engines do, but there are a couple major downsides to this business model.

       Some of these networks also sell traffic to your competitors, meaning that you could be paying to set up networks that drive traffic at competing websites.
       Some of these networks may require a down payment that takes many years to pay itself off. After they already have your money, there is no guarantee that they will care about you.

       When your clicks run out, you have to pay again.

       If you decide not to renew, then, in the end, you paid to create another competing website that will continue to drive traffic at competing websites.

Some niche fields have little competition. If you do not have many competing websites in your field, you may be able to rank well by doing on-page SEO, performing a bit of directory registration, syndicating a couple of articles, and getting a few other quality links. In niche fields, you may be able to get by with only paying a one-time fee.

Most quality SEO services (even for a niche site) will cost over a thousand dollars, since there is great value in it. Some people who do not realize what their services are worth may charge less, but if you pay only a few hundred dollars, you stand a good chance of wasting time and money. If a marketer does not know how to effectively sell themselves for anywhere near their market value, why trust them with control of key marketing aspects of your business?

If you are in a competitive field, doing a good job of SEO may require ongoing fees. Many Internet marketers also require a down payment before they begin work. The competitive nature of the market will determine what rates work.

Some SEOs will be cheaper than others while some charge a hefty premium for their knowledge and experience. If you are in a field such as gambling or pharmacy, then the associated SEO fees are going to be much greater than they are for a person selling pillows, dog toys, or knitting supplies.

seo tips and tricks 2016
As an individual consultant and partner in a small firm, I am somewhat biased in saying that I think small SEO firms generally do a better job than larger ones. Having said that, I would hope I have earned your trust enough to see why I have that belief.

There are a lot of problems with scaling out to a large SEO firm:

     Most people inherently are not going to be as creative or knowledgeable as the best search engine optimizers.
       As the size of the firms increase, cost increases exponentially.

     It is hard to keep good SEOs working at larger firms because they might feel like they are lost in the shuffle. When an SEO sees the value they are creating, it can be easy to get a big ego about it.

     •       Doing SEO does not necessarily require a ton of expenses or an office. If a person could make                 $50,000-$200,000 or more per year working out of their house, why would they want to work for             a firm for much less? 

More Information on Buying SEO Services

More Information on Buying SEO Services

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Any trade union or SEO directory will have some people (likely marketers) at the center of it. This may of course cause conflict. Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO), for example, has been ridiculed to death by many prominent members of the Internet marketing community for talking up the value of PPC marketing while vilifying SEOs. I do not recommend SEMPO, since it seemed like it was primarily organized to be a promotional organization for selfish power grabs.

There are a few more reputable locations you can find search engine optimizers. Search Marketing Association (SMA) comprises many regional SEO/SEM trade associations. They intend to be a bit more reputable than SEMPO. Here are a couple of other spots where you can hunt for SEO/SEM professionals:

       SEOPros.org. A reviewed, best practices guide of SEO firms.

       SEOConsultants.com. A reviewed directory of SEO firms

       MarketingSherpa. This site has as a Buyer’s Guide to SEO for sale; I have not yet read it

       Forums. Much of the information in SEO forums will be outdated or over-hyped information with an agenda, but they are additional locations where you can seek feedback about SEO firms.
People made a bunch of fake forums to promote one company’s less-than-stellar services, but on most SEO forums, you will find a few friendly people who provide good answers to SEO questions.

Some of the people who seem like they would be compatible with you may be worth contacting to see if they are available to perform SEO services. In various SEO forums, you will find many biases, so it is a good idea to ask questions at a bunch of different forums to get a feel for them. You may want to space out your questions and ask slightly different questions at the different forums so that people who frequent various forums do not think that you are using some sort of automated forum-spamming software.

       Go to conferences and meet people. If you get along well with them in person the odds are pretty good that you will work well together.

You can also find further information about hiring an SEO at HonestSEO.com, although that guide could use some updating if the author could get some time to do another update.

SEO is a market without much regulation and good SEOs have the opportunity to make a lot of money. Because of that, if you invest too little in hiring an SEO you will likely preclude the honest service providers from even wanting to take you on as a client. 

In John Andrew’s post titled A Market For Lemons, a Nobel Prize, and Snake Oil SEO he relates an award winning game theory paper to the field of SEO, and how competitive forces hurt the field as a whole

2016 will be the year of the niche law blog

2016 will be the year of the niche law blog

2016 nich3 law bl09

Reading recent reports and articles, it’s becoming clear that 2016 will be the year of niche legal publications.

David Curle (@davidcurle), Director of Strategic Competitive Intelligence at Thomson Reuters Legal, recently summarized the key points from the 2016 Citi Hildebrandt Client Advisory from Citi Private Bank.

First on the list of what Citi prescribes for strategic growth for law firms in this annual report on the temperture of the legal marketplace is brand differentiation. “Establishing deep industry or practice area specialties and otherwise focusing on positioning a firm among its competition.”
Focusing and positioning a firm on specialities? You would be hard-pressed to find a better vehicle to accelerate a reputation and relationships in a speciality than a niche law blog.
Ryan Sholin (@ryansholin) at Nieman Lab writes that 2016 will be the year of the single subject sites.

General interest media used to serve that need [local interest subjects], but with newspapers cracking under the strain of trying to be all things to all people, wide gaps are being left in their wake. News sites with a single-minded focus on specific topics have been filling those needs on critical issues for some time now. What’s new is their audiences are diversifying and broadening.
It’s the same when it comes to legal and business publishing.
Legal newspapers and publications are losing some of their talented reporters and editors. Trade publications covering business verticals are struggling. General publications such as business journals and newspapers cannot cover niches with the detail and precision people have come to expect with Internet publications published by experts.

Look at our nation’s capital. Laura Hazard Owen (@laurahazardowenreports for Nieman Lab that reporters from digital niche outlets are replacing daily newspaper reporters in Washington.Reporters from digital outlets and niche publications now hold more seats in the U.S. Senate Press Gallery than reporters from daily newspapers do, according to a new report from Pew. That’s a change from the late 1990s, when “daily newspaper staff outnumbered such journalists by more than two-to-one.”

Niche publications outnumbering newspapers when it comes to covering the federal government. You’re more likely to see reports from Kaiser Health News or Inside Higher Ed than a daily paper. Amazing.

The recent survey on content marketing from Greentarget and the Zeughauser Group made clear that separating yourself from the chaff is critical in the midst of all the legal content being published by law firms. Quality content of value to in-house counsel becomes the key.

The opportunities for niche law blogs abound. The LexBlog Network has only three states covered on probate litigation. Most circuit courts lack niche publications such as the highly successful blog published by David Donoghue covering IP litigation in the Northern District of Illinois — let alone Donoghue’s blog on Retail Patent Litigation. We’re lacking state supreme Court blogs on the LexBlog Network for the vast majority of states. The list of Reg’s not being covered is endless. The list of opportunities goes on and on.

Pick a niche area in the law for which you have a passion (or could get passionate about) and get blogging. You have the ability to become not only the ‘go to’ publication on the niche, but also the go to’ lawyer.

Selling SEO Services

Selling SEO Services

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When I originally created this guide, it had no information about selling services. The two main reasons for that are (1) I was bad at selling services (I tended to underprice them until I brought on a partner), and (2) as time passes, most of the most successful SEOs end up moving closer to the profit stream by setting up their own e-commerce or affiliate sites, or partnering with local merchants they know.

If you want to sell services, I highly recommend talking to Dan Thies. Taking his 16-week course or a one- or two-hour consultation with him would likely help you develop a brand strategy and help you scout out leads. Below are tips I can offer from my experience selling SEO services.

Some sites, like Elance.com, run auctions that allow people to buy various services. Most of these auctions will be from the following types of people:

       Competitors looking at how to price their services

       People who are not interested in or do not know the value of quality


       People looking for a steal. These are customers who will waste your time and never be happy, even if their $100 spend makes them $10,000 or more.

I personally only ever placed a few bids at online auctions, but the things you want to look out for when trying to sell services are to make sure that the leads have the following characteristics:

       Lead you would want to take (i.e., Would I feel comfortable marketing this?)
       Leads you have the technical know-how and time to work on

       Leads from people that appear willing to listen to feedback and have reasonable expectations

       Leads that are interested in bid quality instead of bid price

You cannot expect to learn everything, especially when you are new. One of the fundamental flaws when I started learning was that I thought it was my job to learn marketing, HTML, graphics, SEO, PHP, ASP, MySQL, etc. In trying to learn everything, you can spread yourself too thin. The time I have spent editing ASP code would have been spent much better doing other things. 

The nice things about forums are that you get to learn and teach at the same time, while building friendships and your reputation. Some of your posts can act as mini sales letters that will drive targeted leads your way. Reading other threads will help you learn nuggets. On top of selling and learning, you also get to make friends and learn who knows what. This can help immensely when issues come up that you are unsure of how to handle, and I have referred many leads to friends I met from SEO forums.

I usually try to stick with smaller to mid-sized forums off the start as they are easier to get noticed in than in large forums. Forums like Cre8asite and SearchGuild might be good places to get started.

Not everyone is a good writer, but I believe most people can be trained or practice to become at least decent ones. I do not write articles as much as I did in the past, but for a while, I was featured in WebProNews almost weekly.

The key to writing articles is to write something so compelling that people will want to link to it or write something decent and work to get it syndicated on networks with many eyeballs.

When I started SEO, I was exceptionally poor. It took a while for me to get around to writing articles, but when I did write one, I noticed a flurry of leads the next couple days. Three hundred dollars was a lot of money to me back then, and it was not uncommon to make that in consulting to leads generated from each of the articles I wrote.

Well-executed research articles tend to get significant media coverage:

       Kalena Jordan did a study on the lack of search engine visibility of the top 100 New Zealand companies and got many leads from it.
        Fathom Online created a Keyword Price Index rating that tracks PPC ad prices by category each month. Many search-related sites give Fathom Online free exposure every month by mentioning these statistics.
        SEO-PR was the first SEO company focused purely on public relations. It is easier for them to get links from other SEO sites than it is for most other SEO businesses because they are not viewed as direct competitors.

       Brad Fallon created an SEO radio show that makes it easy for him to get on-topic links.

In an industry with a rather tarnished reputation, the value of having a voice that is seen or heard by many is a strong competitive advantage. For example, there is probably about a 99% chance you would have never bought this e-book if I did not write the associated blog.

There are many ways to find customers for SEO. One of the common problems is that many people do not know they need SEO services or what those services are. If you think of prospects in terms of the ideal prospect, what would be their common characteristics?

       They have a profitable business.

       They are in a market position that is not hyper-saturated.

       They sell non-commodity products or things that are not easy to get elsewhere.
       They already have websites.

       They already rank (in the top 100 or so) for some of their keywords.

       Their business model makes sense for the web—item is cheap to ship or requires customization, which makes it more convenient to buy online than to hunt at various offline stores.

       They are well established on the web.

       They are willing to spend enough money to see results.

       They already know a bit about SEO.

       They have reasonable expectations.

       They are a similar-sized business or one that you would feel comfortable working with.

Odds are that most leads are not going to line up with all your most desirable characteristics. Some people will align with many of them though. You probably do not want to spend the same amount of effort on all leads. Instead, it is wiser to place more effort on leads that seem close to conversion and leads that seem like they are a great match for your business.

It is also important not to rely too heavily on any one potential client. Some people may just be feeling out the market or trying to learn as much from you as they can for free before doing their own services or trying to replicate your business model

Here are some common places to look and things you can do to find clients:

       Search the Business & Shopping categories of What’s New at the Yahoo! Directory. These people have spent $300 on a single link and are actively promoting their websites.
       Utilize services (used mostly for e-mail spamming) that track sites that are newly accepted to DMOZ.

       Engage pay-per-click ads for somewhat expensive keywords (make sure you do not click their ads to visit their sites)

       Attend local business meetings

       Create lists, answer questions, or review products on Amazon.com

       Leave testimonials in proper places

       Go to product demo meetings from companies like WebTrends, Verizon SuperPages, or Google AdWords; watching them demonstrate and sell their products will help you learn how to sell, and you will be surrounded by qualified leads

       Register for conferences on issues and areas related to SEO

Many times clients will not tell you of past experiences. Research the clients before accepting the job. Following are some things to find out about a potential client:

       How old is their website and company?

       Have they had their site banned?

       Do they have any past SEO experiences?

       Do they have shadow domains and/or duplicate content or other problems?
       Do they think they know everything already? Will they give you room to breathe and to do your job correctly?

       Who makes the decisions? (There are limits to how blunt you can be, but you need to find out.)

       What is their baseline? You’ll need it to compare the outcome of the SEO campaign to their current market position.

       What are their goals and payment structure? Agree on these before commencing work.

Make sure you understand the short- and long-term goals of the client, and make sure that they are willing to listen to you and provide you with the resources necessary to make their goals possible.

It works best if they understand the process and have their expectations in line with what you plan on delivering before you accept the project. It also works out best when you work with people you feel you would like to work with.

       Why does their company deserve to be ranked as the top resource? What is their unique sales proposition?

       Is their business healthy? Are other disruptive technologies entering or replacing their market? Are they continually losing market share?

       Do they plan on launching new site technologies?

       If they contacted you, what prompted them to think they needed a SEO consultant now?
       Do they intend to use search engine marketing as one of many marketing channels, or are they expecting their whole business to succeed or fail based on SEO? Is their site good other than search engine marketing? Are they willing to accept your feedback on usability and other issues related to conversion?

Some of the stuff you cannot know fully, but your gut can get a good sense of how flexible the company is.


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