Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Google Checkout

Google Checkout

seo tips and tricks 2016

Google is trying to become a leading payment processor to help make their ad market more efficient, gain more market research data, and create another revenue source.

AdWords advertisers who accept payment via Google Checkout have their AdWords ads highlighted, which may cause them to have a higher clickthrough rate, and thus offer more targeted traffic and a better ROI.

Google offers a wide array of reports to help you analyze how well your AdWords account is doing.

       Position Placement Report: Can be used to see where your AdSense ads are syndicated to.

       AdWords Search Query Report: Shows longtail keywords that triggered phrase match or broad match ads.

       Impression Share Report: Shows what percent of possible impressions your ads were displayed on.

       Reach and Frequency Performance Report: See how often your ads show up on a specific site if you use site targeted ads.

seo tips and tricks 2016

Bidding on some newsworthy or controversial ideas or keywords may make a particular piece of content or idea more linkworthy. After you get a half-dozen powerful links, your article may become the default industry-leading article enjoying a self-reinforcing market position.

I am a blogger who reads many emails about blogging, and Pew Internet has an AdWords ad that appears in my Gmail account for “Portrait of a Blogger.” If they can get a few dozen strong links to that story, or just get a couple that end up creating a viral story, then they might make thousands of dollars from that ad.

Some people even target AdSense ads to specific blogs or sites and mention the owner’s name in the ads. Talk about making your ad look relevant!

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